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Social responsibility and sustainability

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Name of the initiative: Technical-Scientific Committee for Sustainability (CTSS), established in its first term with DR 776/2021.
Contact person: Marino Boaniuto
Description: This is a newly established Committee within which University initiatives relating to environmental sustainability are coordinated and promoted. The activities are diversified. For example, on the educational front, seminars are held every year which are used across the board by students enrolled in any degree course at Sapienza;there are also initiatives for other educational activities. On the scientific front, the contact person is directly involved in the working group on the resources and waste plan (coordinated by Prof. Silvia Serranti) dedicated to a sample survey in Sapienza via questionnaire on the topics of reduction, reuse and waste, with the aim of achieving detailed knowledge on the related behaviors and their barriers and facilitators, which will be useful for evaluating possible subsequent improvement interventions for the Sapienza community and, more generally, for similar communities.
Period of execution: 2021 – 2022 for the first term, renewal underway

Name of the initiative: “Oasi Green Lab Sapienza: the neighborhood as a testing ground from school to public space. Knowledge to co-design an inclusive, digital, green and creative path of resilience”
Contact person: Marino Bonaiuto
Collaborators: Fabiola Fratini, Valeria Chiozza
Description: This is a multidisciplinary working group for a microforestry project in the Parco dei Caduti (Municipio II, Rome): the main psychological activity consists in the implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities of the impact that the project has on students and middle school students participating in microforestry activities (through classroom and field activities). The methodology adopted involves the use of questionnaires for research with a quasi-experimental design in the field. The objective is to verify the effectiveness of participation in the microforestry program in promoting various psychological-social indicators relating to the person and his relationship with the community and the environment at both a local and global level. The psychological activity is carried out in close multidisciplinary collaboration and involves various moments and relationship activities with the public and involved stakeholders.
Period of implementation: 2022 - 2023,