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City and territory

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Initiative name: "The school respects me"
Contact person: Roberto Baiocco
Collaborator: Jessica Pistella
Description: Research and intervention project entitled: “The school respects me” in collaboration with the LYR Association - Live Your Rainbow:, with the aim of analyzing the phenomenon of bullying and discriminatory behavior from the perspective of A.T.A. teachers and staff The project will examine nine secondary and secondary schools in Rome and Lazio.
Performance period: October - December 2020

Initiative name: "The promotion of relationships and well-being of boys and girls with non-Italian citizenship in the territory of Rome Municipality VIII"
Contact person: Anna Di Norcia
Collaborators: Giordana Zpunar
Description: the project aims to encourage the inclusion of boys and girls with non-Italian citizenship in the school classes of Municipality VIII of Rome, involving students of the courses in Degree in Social Service, Psychology of Typical Development and Primary Education Sciences.
Performance period: 26 February 2020 - 25 February 2021

Initiative name: "Member of the “Environment, Territory and Tourism” Working Group at the National Council of the Order of Psychologists"
Contact person: Marino Bonaiuto
Description: The main installation activity for the first mandate is to develop a notebook on the professional aspects of environmental psychology. Further activities were carried out in response to specific requests from stakeholders: among these the participation in the White Paper on greenery (coordinated by Assoverde), which continues with the creation of indicators for the certification of Health Parks. Speeches are held at conferences and events open to a wide audience of stakeholders.
Period of implementation: 2020 - 2023

Initiative name: "Diversity Assessment for Inclusion (DAI)"
Contact person: Jessica Pistella
Collaborator: Roberto Baiocco
Description: Diversity Assessment for Inclusion (DAI) in collaboration with ENAV S.p.A aims to define guidelines and good practices to improve and develop the inclusion of everyone beyond personal well-being, motivation and the sense of belonging to one's context working.
Period of implementation: December 2021

Initiative name: "Collaboration for joint research and training activities on the topics of educational poverty, social inequalities, school dropout and educational emergencies"
Contact person: Guido Benvenuto
Collaborators: Nicoletta Di Genova
Description: Development of cooperative actions and field research relating to:
Promotion and protection of minors' rights - according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - particularly in conditions of hardship and marginalization.
Campaigns on the topic of education through actions to combat the phenomena of educational poverty and school dropout and more generally to promote equity in educational and school contexts.
Immediate response actions to emergency situations such as earthquakes, epidemics, droughts and armed conflicts, situations in which children are most vulnerable and defenseless.
Themes relating to the phenomena of educational poverty, school dropout, social inequalities and equity in educational and scholastic contexts and, more generally, the study of emergency contexts and social vulnerability are of particular interest in both the study courses and the research of the Department.
Creation of an interdisciplinary research task force on migratory flows and inclusive practices in Europe and Italy.
Performance period: 24 June 2021 - 23 June 2023

Initiative name: SIO Conference
Contact person: Roberto Baiocco
Collaborators: Jessica Pistella, Fau Rosati
Description: Discussant of a panel on LGBT issues that includes research data produced by the research group of Sapienza University of Rome
Period of implementation: 20-22 January 2023

Initiative name: "With a careful eye. Anthropology, politics and social criticism"
Contact person: Osvaldo Costantini
Collaborators: Lorenzo D'Angelo
Description: Three meetings with three anthropologists on topics of anthropological research in politicized contexts, with three perspectives on positioning, environment and city.
Period of implementation: 13-27 January 2023