Top-level heading


The Department is led by the Director, who represents it and exercises the functions of planning and political-management guidance, defining objectives and programs to be implemented, within the framework of the general strategies dictated by Sapienza's governing bodies.
In order to pursue its institutional tasks, the Department is a cost center with administrative and management autonomy.
The bodies of the Department are: Director, Department Council and Department Board.
The Director is assisted in the management of the multiple activities by theDelegated Administrative Manager, who is responsible for the administrative-accounting activities in accordance with the University’s regulations for administration, finance and accounting. The Teaching Committee and the Research and Third Mission Committee are also present.
The current Department Regulations, approved by the Department Council on 16 June 2021, are available for consultation in the "in-depth" section on the side of the page. 


Rule book DPPSS (194.18 KB)