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Third mission projects financed by the University

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Project "Families: typical, atypical and intergenerational paths"
Coordinator: Anna Di Norcia
Working group: Prof. Roberto Baiocco, Dr. Elena Bocci, Prof. Eleonora Cannoni, Dr. Paola Passafaro, Prof. Giordana Szpunar.
Abstract: The project has the objective of organizing information events to accompany parents and families in the developmental paths from school age to adolescence, including from a transgenerational perspective. It focuses, on the one hand, on addressing some difficult challenges to parenting, such as issues related to behavior, emotional development, the specifics of cognitive development and the development of a non-conforming sexual orientation and/or gender identityof one's son or daughter; on the other hand, it proposed a path to encourage intergenerational exchanges within the family, also contributing to the strengthening of networks capable of supporting projects suitable for the social and cultural development of the host contexts.
Financing obtained: €8,500.00
Duration: 24 months

Project "Women victims of trafficking: Promoting social inclusion"
Coordinator: Ankica Kosic
Working group: Prof. Claudia Chiarolanza, Dr. Elena Bocci, Prof. Francesca Alby, Prof. Marilena Fatigante, Dr. Paola Passafaro.
Abstract: The failure of the migratory project of a person who is a victim of trafficking influences her psychological identity. When migration from the country of origin coincides with both the detachment from one's own cultural context and the "betrayal" of expectations by the country of arrival (due to the exploitation of the woman for sexual purposes), a "de-contextualization" is created in the person ”, which is difficult to manage both for the victim and for the community workers from the public and private sectors who welcome the person to begin a path of care and rehabilitation with them. The project set itself the following objectives: education and dissemination of information among Sapienza students and researchers on issues concerning women victims of trafficking in Italy and on the contents of the project; education and dissemination of information on topics relating to ethno-psychology and contemporary ethno-psychiatry and vicarious traumatization to Sapienza students and researchers; promotion of initiatives to support professionals who work in reception centers for victims of trafficking and refugees to learn to manage stress and prevent vicarious trauma and burnout; promoting empowerment and resilience in women victims of trafficking; raising awareness on the topic. It is possible to participate in the free Mindfulness course, aimed at those who work in reception centers and other structures.
Financing obtained: €9,000.00
Duration: 24 months

Project "Limen Project: crossing borders. Intercultural communication and training initiatives aimed at citizens, young people (natives and migrants), professionals in aid relations"
Coordinator: Prof. Francesca Alby
Working group: Prof. Roberto Baiocco, Prof. Eleonora Cannoni, Dr. Barbara Caravale, Prof. Anna Di Norcia, Prof. Marilena Fatigante, Prof. Francesca Federico, Prof. Mauro Giacomantonio, Prof. Fiorenzo Laghi, Dr. Jessica Pistella, Dr. Marzia Saglietti, Dr. Stefania Sette, Prof. Cristina Zucchermaglio.
Abstract: In a historical moment characterized by strong contrasts, geopolitical tensions, nationalism and extremism, it is more important than ever to undertake a reflection on identities and cultural differences that allows us to face current and future challenges appropriately. In the multicultural societies in which we live we must develop an intercultural outlook, overcome the distinction between 'us' and 'them', train ourselves and others in mutual respect, and find practices of effective intercultural collaboration. The project intends to contribute to this undertaking by promoting the following actions: information and awareness raising on the themes of interculture and ethno-psychology aimed at young people and citizens; reflective interdisciplinary and interprofessional training on topics related to the care relationship aimed at professionals who work in an intercultural field and professionals in helping relationships; targeted interventions regarding learning difficulties and school inclusion for young migrants and unaccompanied foreign minors; monitoring and dissemination of results and good intervention practices. The project has a strong value of social transformation and cultural innovation as it invites us to undertake a path of cultural decentralization, through the construction of spaces for exchange and shared narrative, the dissemination of knowledge, empowerment interventions
Financing obtained: €10,000.00
Duration: 24 months
The videos of the project can be viewed at the following link for the first part, and at the following link for the second part.
We inform you that starting from the month of October a cycle of interprofessional training meetings will take place, aimed at helping relations professionals who work in an intercultural field. The meetings will take place in the Ezio Ponzo Room from 09.00 to 12.00 on 23 October 2023, 14 November 2023, 11 December 2023, 17 January 2024 and 12 February 2024. The activity is part of the Terza project Prof. Francesca Alby is the scientific director of the mission.