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Euopean funded projects

Acronym: DT.Uni
Title: Design Thinking Approach for an Interdisciplinary University
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Marino Bonaiuto
ABSTRACT: The project aims to increase interdisciplinarity in university institutions with a bottom-up approach: to support the development of creative, divergent, innovative ways of thinking and problem solving in students, teachers and administrators, in particular for the quality of interdisciplinary teaching in the academic field. The methodology is Design Thinking (DT), with controlled processes, exercises and evaluations to improve creative efficiency. The project creates a series of teaching materials with ICT supports, to introduce the DT methodology into university education. The project consortium is made up of eight universities from eight EU countries. The teaching model involves the participation of teachers, students and administrators in local innovation bootcamps (in each country); finally, a selected group participates in an international innovation bootcamp (an interdisciplinary competition with groups of students from eight countries).

Acronym: Face up
Title: Faces from the past: the fight for freedom and democracy during the regime of Hoxha
Funding programme/measure: Europe for Citizens
Scientific director: Dr. Silvia Cataldi
ABSTRACT: The project aims to explore the dark history of Enver Hoxha's totalitarian regime with the aim of connecting history and memory in favor of the construction of European identity and citizenship today. Albanian history teaches that the birth of a totalitarian regime is always a threat not only to the democracy of a single country but to the entire European identity. The project starts from the reconstruction of what happened in Albania during Hoxha's communism. Digging into history can be important not only for Albanians, but for all EU citizens. The dictatorship left no room for democratic values and this helps to explain why, even nowt, Albania is experiencing a long and difficult transition phase. The regime left no room for opposition or for the existence of alternative voices. The number of people killed or imprisoned during 41 years of dictatorship was equivalent to more than a thirtieth of the Albanian population at that time. An emblematic case is the Municipality of Lushnje where 30,000 families from all over Albania were exiled and 14 detention centers existed.
This chapter of history has never been fully analyzed. Now the time has come for Albania to come to terms with the past and European citizens can also benefit from this process of memory. In today's Albania it is absolutely necessary to know the facts and faces of the people, including many intellectuals and women, who sacrificed their lives to free Albania from the totalitarian regime. The project, by revealing the history and faces of some of the victims and perpetrators, aims to create a case study for all European citizens. Research on facts and people must inform about the diversity of recent European history and the threats represented by totalitarian regimes with a view to the search for truth and reconciliation.
Partner: University of Tirana (Tirana Albania); Sapienza University of Rome (Rome - Italy); National Research Council (Rome - Italy); Fondazione di Storia onlus (Vicenza - Italy); Zen Qytetar (Lushnje – Albania).

  • Video documentary on interviews conducted with privileged witnesses, victims of the Hoxha regime's prison camp in the city of Lushnjë in Albania:

  • News broadcast on Albanian national TV of the final dissemination meeting of the project which took place at the University of Tirana on 27 May 2022 (interview with the project coordinator Migena Buka and professors Silvia Cataldi and Marino Bonaiuto):

Acronym: FAIR +
Title: FORUM for anti-doping in recreational sport+
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Fabio Lucidi
ABSTRACT: The project, in collaboration with several partners in Belgium, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Germany, and Portugal, focuses on doping in recreational sport by addressing several objectives in order to contribute to clarifying the European situation in this field of study. The first objective will be to describe doping in recreational sport in terms of prevalence, including an evaluation of the psychosocial variables that play the role of predictors of its use. The second objective is the development of specific educational guidelines for recreational sports coaches; the third objective involves the holding of an annual forum, a model already consolidated in previous EU+ project experiences. The FORUM for anti-doping in recreational sport, which gives its name to the project, will therefore remain the main tool for FAIR + partners to promote and disseminate the results of the project.

Acronym: IENE9
Title: Developing a Culturally Competent and Compassionate LGBT+ Curriculum in Health and Social Care Education
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Roberto Baiocco
ABSTRACT: The IENE 9 project aims to train teachers/educators and social workers on issues related to sexual orientations and gender identities and develop a culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ curriculum in the educational, social and health fields. 7 partners are involved in the project: Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Edunet (Romania), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), University of Almeria (Spain), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), Middlesex University (United Kingdom), and St Augustinus Fachkliniken (Germany). The objectives of the project are to: (a) develop teaching tools that teachers/educators and social workers can use to improve their knowledge on LGBT+ issues; (b) implement the knowledge of healthcare professionals, social workers and health experts on how to promote the well-being of LGBT+ patients; (c) prepare and disseminate a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

Acronym: IRC
Title: I Run Clean
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Fabio Lucidi
ABSTRACT: This project aims to develop an educational program aimed at preventing doping, a public health issue that threatens not only sport but also the entire society, both in Europe and around the world. This phenomenon is in fact not limited only to a small number of elites, but also risks affecting segments of the population not directly involved in high-level competitive activities, such as young people and recreational sports practitioners. The starting point of the project is the recommendations of the European Commission in the White Paper on Sport, which promote the development and coordination of educational programs across all forms of relevant media platforms. The educational programs resulting from these recommendations used so far include training on knowledge and value transfer delivered by professionals, peer learning activities and online platforms (e.g. e-learning platforms). The starting hypothesis is that an approach that includes these three types of educational interventions can bring added value. The overall objective is to develop and test two interventions (workshops and e-learning modules) that prepare athletes, young people and those around them to address the problem of doping and make decisions that protect the integrity of sport and their health. To achieve this goal, the project focuses on (a) developing anti-doping e-learning modules for coaches and parents to complement existing European modules for athletes (b); develop anti-doping content and guidelines conducted by young volunteers (reference groups: athletes/students, coaches, parents) in environments such as schools, sports clubs, training camps and competitions; (c) develop a process, content and process manual to prepare volunteers to conduct anti-doping seminars.

Acronym: PoP
Title: Pride of Place
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Marino Bonaiuto
ABSTRACT: The project defines the construct of Pride of Place (PoP): positive pride that the person feels for the place in which he or she lives or comes from, as a result of other constructs (such as place identity, social identity, attachment to the place) drivers of the emotional and cognitive relationship between a person and their place. Furthermore, developing PoP through experiences can generate inclusion, cohesion and social engagement, as well as improved well-being. The project creates and tests an educational program for secondary level education in rural European areas. The project includes: 1) the development of the theoretical-scientific framework; 2) the creation of an educational program based on the Inquiry Based Learning approach for the 10-16 age group within the framework of 21st century skills; 3) a training course for secondary school teachers to adopt this intervention. The consortium involves 5 countries with partners in universities, schools, NGOs.

Acronym: Tool Vip 24
Title: Tool Vip 24
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Marino Bonaiuto
ABSTRACT: The objectives of the project are: 1) The analysis of different professional orientation tools in different European countries; 2) The analysis of quality monitoring systems to verify their efficiency; 3) The analysis of existing guidelines for different counselors; 4) The development of a European network to promote partnerships on these issues. The target audience are vocational schoolteachers, educators and counselors. The project involves the adoption of various professional orientation tools in various classes of high schools participating in the project in the four different European countries involved in the partnership (which includes schools, universities, consultancy companies, NGOs); as well as the verification of the effects of the adoption of the instrument of the orientation considered. Long-term objectives are the fight against school dropout and unemployment, as well as the promotion of new career development tools and practices for European youth.

Acronym: PR.O.T.E.C.T.
Title: PreventiOn, assessment and Treatment of sex offenders. A network to ExChange good practices and develop innovation at EU level
Funding programme/measure: Justice Program & Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
Scientific director: Prof. Marino Bonaiuto
ABSTRACT: The main aim of the project concerns the construction of a network to exchange and transfer knowledge and good practices in order to improve the prevention of sexual crimes by Sex Offenders (SO). Accordingly, the objectives of the project are the following:
Improve European cooperation by increasing awareness of SO management and rehabilitation; define training courses for categories that work with SOs outside and inside prisons (prison police, social workers, psychologists, etc.); plan dissemination activities (laboratories, workshops, conferences, etc.) to exchange and share good practices, reduce the risk of recurrence of sexual crime and disseminate guidelines for working with SOs, including within prisons.
The project includes a bibliographic review on intervention protocols, the creation of a training course for operators, the creation and evaluation of a pilot edition of the course.

Acronym: CT.Uni
Title: Creative Thinking – Taking an Innovative and STEAM Approach for a Transdisciplinary University
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific director: Prof. Marino Bonaiuto
ABSTRACT: The project represents the opportunity to develop a collaborative meta-analysis for a comprehensive review of what has been done in academic education in order to identify the specific effectiveness of creativity and innovation, within a broader STEAM approach. This objective is pursued by supporting students, teachers and also administrative and management staff in going beyond the boundaries of a specific area of study or discipline, stimulating their divergent, creative and transdisciplinary thinking. The overall aim of the project is to provide a basis for increasing transdisciplinarity in higher education institutions, using an innovative STEAM approach and supporting students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff to develop their abilities to think divergently, creatively and critically, while strengthening cooperation with external institutions seen as essential partners of a modern university. This transdisciplinary approach can be used as a mechanism to foster innovation within academic education.

Acronym: EDU-Gestalt
Title: EDU-Gestalt: Expressive, Experiential & Embodied Teaching
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus +
Scientific managers: Prof. Anna Di Norcia and Prof. Giordana Szpunar
ABSTRACT: The project aims to train teachers in the use of experiential techniques, expressive of "Embodied education" based on scientific evidence in the field of neuroscience and in the theoretical framework of the Gestalt approach.

Acronym: UNI-T Academy
Title: UNI-T Academy - eUropeaN civic Teacher Academy
Funding programme/measure: Erasmus PJG
Scientific director: Dr. Emiliane Rubat Du Merac
ABSTRACT: The project aims to improve the European dimension and internationalization of teacher training, in order to increase its attractiveness and mobility between countries. To this end, university partners and associated educational institutions will develop European communities of practice to encourage European teachers and future teachers to think about education beyond national borders. The project is divided into 4 professional development strategies, each of which is based on different types of mobility (physical and virtual) and on the development of mutual recognition systems for acquired skills to promote the mobility and high qualification of teachers. Strategy 1: Joint development of hybrid learning modules based on educational research and active interaction between participants. Strategy 2: webinars and summer schools that will encourage transnational and intercultural dialogues with different educational actors (schools, universities and educational institutions). Strategy 3: transnational action research projects involving teachers and educational practitioners with educational researchers. Strategy 4: a transversal approach to the mobility of students, in-service teachers and teacher trainers, with the use of a recognition system through digital open badges.

Acronym: FUTURE
Title: Fostering Tools of Resilience and Emersion of GBV with intersectional perspective
Funding programme/measure: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV) - EU
Scientific director: Prof. Flaminia Saccà
ABSTRACT: the objective of the project is to prevent and combat gender violence - with a specific focus on women victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and multiple discrimination - and to support and protect victims, updating and strengthening the methodology and risk assessment procedures and risk management strategies. In particular, the project aims to: update IPV risk assessment tools, taking into account a gender and intersectional perspective, as well as children's rights and the critical issues that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic; contribute to the definition of guidelines for the integrated use of updated tools and methodologies for risk assessment; strengthen the capacity of professionals to assess IPV risks and respond accordingly; promote multi-agency cooperation based on risk assessment through innovative protocols; disseminate project results and raise awareness of the importance of risk assessment and multi-agency cooperation; raise awareness and promote the empowerment of women victims of IPV through the dissemination of inclusive risk self-assessment tools.