The Department Board assists the Director in carrying out his functions and has investigative duties on all matters falling within its competence.
It is chaired by the Director and is composed, at a minumum, of two representatives elected by and from among those who are part of the Department Council for each of the following categories: full professors; associate professors; fixed-term, permanent and equivalent researchers; technical and administrative staff; students.
The current members are as follows: Fiorenzo Laghi (Director), Elena Alessia de Roberto (Delegated Adminstrative Manager), Guido Benvenuto, Elena Bocci, Barbara Caravale, Alessandro Cardinale, Stefania Sette, Mauro Giacomantonio, Giorgia Grieco, Marco Lauriola, Elisa Marsico, Daniela Zaccaria.
Elisa Marsico
Telephone: 06.49917657
Fax: 06.49917652
Floor III, room 323
Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes - Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
Via dei Marsi, 78
00185 Rome
Reception hours
see Offices page