Top-level heading

Offices and contacts

The Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes, as a structure of Sapienza University of Rome, has organizational autonomy, within the limits of current legislation, the University Statute and the department Regulations.
For organizational purposes, the administration of the department is divided into the following services or offices:

  • Administrative services;
  • Research services;
  • Teaching services;
  • IT technical services.

For more information, consult the pages of the respective services.

The institutional PEC mailbox of the DPPSS is reserved only for communications of interest to the administrative secretary of the Department and cannot, therefore, be used for PEC messages addressed to the Central Administration, the Student Secretaries or other peripheral structures of  Sapienza - faculty, departments, research and service centers, etc., to which they must be forwarded directly.

Administrative secretary
Telephone: F (+39) 06 4991 7652
Administrative secretary
Floor III, rooms 320-325
Department of Psychology
of Development Processes
and Socialization
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
Sapienza University of Rome
Via dei Marsi 78
00185 Rome