Title: "Social agriculture and work inclusion: individualized paths for young adults with intellectual disabilities"
Financing programme/measure: POR ESF 2014-2020 of the Lazio Region, Priority Axis 2
Scientific director: Prof. Fiorenzo Laghi
ABSTRACT: The project aims to include young adults with even severe intellectual disabilities in agricultural production activities. Through a 12-month project, we aim to consolidate and strengthen the job placement process experimented in the previous project "the individual project and work and social inclusion of people with autism with the need for intensive support with a view to permanent qualification , improvement of the quality of life, community emancipation" financed by the POR ESF 2014-2020. The project involves, as signatory bodies of the ATS, the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes (DPPSS) of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of Sapienza and the Reference Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health of Sapienza. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità who will actively participate in the selection processes of participants, dissemination and sharing of activities with other stakeholders, evaluation of the work and social skills of people with intellectual disabilities, monitoring of professionals, specific training for operators and volunteers, psychological and empowerment of families.
Title: Regional observatory of the transition paths to work of graduates from the universities of Tuscany
Funding programme/measure: PRS 2016-2020 of the Tuscany Region
Scientific director: Prof. Pietro Lucisano
ABSTRACT: The project aims to outline a cognitive framework that allows us to analyze the transition paths to work of graduates of Tuscan universities; the project aims to highlight and analyze all useful information to better direct and support the orientation processes during and after university studies of young people enrolled in Tuscan universities and the interventions in the field of active employment policies. It must also offer a description of the trend in the demand for labor within the Tuscan regional territory which can support the planning of orientation interventions, access to university training and policies for the promotion of higher education within the competence of the Region of Tuscany; at the same time it will provide universities with a cognitive framework capable of increasing their awareness of the outcomes of the respective training offer.