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In this section, in compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree 33/2013, information concerning the organization and activity of the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes and Sapienza University of Rome is accessible, with the aim of promoting widespread forms of control on the pursuit of institutional functions and the use of public resources. Transparency contributes to implementing the democratic principle and the constitutional principles of equality, impartiality, good performance, responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency in the use of public resources, integrity and loyalty in service to the nation. It is a condition for guaranteeing individual and collective freedoms, as well as civil, political and social rights, it integrates the right to good administration and contributes to the creation of an open administration, at the service of the citizen.

Prohibition of use of personal data available in the transparency section

The public is advised that, as established by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the document "Transparency Guidelines 2014" dated 05/28/2014, the personal data published are “reusable only under the conditions established by current legislation on the reuse of public data (community directive 2003/98/EC and legislative decree 36/2006 transposing the same), in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and recorded, and in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data" . Articles 4 and 7 of the Italian Legislative Decree 33/2013establish that the reuse of published personal data is subject to the conditions and limits established by the regulations on the protection of personal data and by the specific provisions of the Italian Legislative Decree of 24 January 2006 n. 36 transposing Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information. This directive was recently revised (see Directive 2013/37/EU which came into force after the approval of the legislative decree on transparency11). In particular, in implementation of the principle of purpose referred to in art. 11 of the Code, the reuse of personal data knowable by anyone on the basis of the provisions of the Legislative Decree 33/2013 cannot be permitted "in terms incompatible" with the original purposes for which the same data are made publicly accessible (art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b), Directive 95/46/EC; art. 11, paragraph 1, letter. b), of the Code).

New Sapienza Transparent Administration Portal

All documents regarding Transparent Administration, and in particular all notices of the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes published starting from 8 February 2016, are available on the new Transparent Administration Portal of Sapienza University of Rome. The lists on this site refer to documents and information from tenders published up to 7 February 2016.