Top-level heading

Master degree

The Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes promotes and establishes the following second-level annual master's degrees:

  • Developmental Psychodiagnostics
  • Military Psychology
  • Psychopedagogy and inclusive teaching for specific learning disabilities
  • Management and pedagogical-didactic structures of CPIA and Second-level Schools with adults with low literacy levels, in penal execution, migrants and unaccompanied minors

The notices, documentation and administrative procedures for participation are available on the master's page.

Developmental psychodiagnostic

II level, cod. 26804
The Master Degree, active from the academic year 2013/2014, aims to train students on the guidelines and assessment procedures in developmental process. Priority is given to training activities on the main techniques and methodologies used in the psychodiagnostic assessment of development (observation, clinical interviews, checklists, psychodiagnostic tests and questionnaires), through simulations, exercises, and case analyses. As part of the Master Degree training experience, practical-professional training activities are also envisaged at institutions and structures in which students are supported by a psychologist and/or a psychotherapist.
For further information, consult the page:

Military Psychology

II level, cod. 30217
The Master Degree in Military Psychology, active from the academic year 2019/2020, aims to create a training course aimed at understanding, developing and facilitating the organizational processes specific to the military reality: psychology of selection and professional orientation, psychology of organisational, educational, and training processes, clinical psychology and psychology of emergencies and of crisis situations.
The Master Degree  training course is carried out in collaboration with teachers and professionals designated by IGESAN (Defence General Staff/General Inspectorate of Military Health), on the basis of an Agreement signed with Sapienza starting from January 2019.
As part of the Master Degree experience, practical/professional training activities are also planned at highly qualified military bodies/services.
For more information on the page:


Psychopedagogy and Inclusive Education for Specific Learning Disorders

Level II, Code 33177
The Master's program aims to promote professional skills in the pedagogical and educational fields by providing highly specialized training for educators, teachers in training and in service, pedagogists, and tutors involved in the development of inclusive projects in educational, school, and rehabilitative contexts aimed at students in schools of all levels who present specific learning
disorders (SLD). The Master's program promotes psycho-pedagogical, methodological-didactic, and socio-relational competencies to manage the learning, studying, and participation of students with SLD through the use of tools, methods, and strategies that are effective and validated by scientific research and practically applicable to the treatment of these disorders.
The training modules cover the following topics: Neurodevelopmental disorders and specific learning disorders (I); Neurodevelopmental disorders: differential diagnosis and comorbidity (II); Professionalizing practical training: theories and procedures (III); The legal framework on specific learning disorders (IV); Inclusive teaching: principles, models, and methods (V); Effective and inclusive teaching strategies from an evidence-based  education perspective for the learning and participation of students with specific learning disorders (VI); Methodological-didactic interventions for students with specific; learning disorders (VII); Drafting a Personalized Educational Plan: from observation to design to evaluation (VIII); Managing an integrated and inclusive classroom: models and cognitive-socio-behavioral theories (IX); Developing study methods as the primary compensatory measure for students with specific learning disorders (X); Technologies for the implementation and compensation o specific learning disorders (XI); Building the learning environment: educational relationships, teaching approaches, and pedagogical documentation (XII)
For more information, visit the page:

Teaching activity calendar:


Management and pedagogical-didactic structures of CPIAs and Second-Level Schools for low-literate adults, individuals in penal execution, migrants, and unaccompanied foreign minors (UAMs)

The Master’s program aims to provide a professionalizing educational pathway designed to develop skills related to the managerial and pedagogical-didactic structures of educational institutions (CPIAs and second-level schools) for adults with low educational attainment, individuals in penal execution, and migrants (including unaccompanied foreign minors).
It adopts a lifelong learning perspective and an integrated educational system approach. It supports in-service training and supervision for school principals (engaged in multilevel territorial governance) and teachers (focused on pedagogical knowledge and instructional design). The ultimate goal is to foster school inclusion and facilitate the pathway toward full integration into society.
For more information, visit the page:

Teaching activity calendar:

Daniela Zaccaria
Teaching services
Tel. 06/49917653