Phd course in Social Development Psycology and Educational Research
The educational objectives of the PhD course in Social Developmental Psychology and Educational Research depend on three different curricula, one of which is thematic, linked to the three grants of the "Department of Excellence" project of the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes " on "Migrations and the Psychosocial Dimensions of Inclusion" financed for four cycles starting from the XXXV cycle.
The Doctorate has the following educational objectives, in relation to the specific curricula that compose it as detailed below:
The curriculum is aimed at the advanced training of researchers capable of operating within the various thematic areas of social psychology, with the aim of understanding basic social psychological processes (processes and contents of social knowledge, attitudes and their change, interpersonal relationships , group processes and social influence, social communication, prejudice, intergroup relations andsocial identity), through empirical research methodologies, primarily based in a quantitative and experimental sense, both laboratory and field. This also takes into account different possible reference contexts, such as, for example, healthcare, political, economic, intercultural and organizational.
The Curriculum also aims to train researchers capable of operating in the various areas of Environmental Psychology, with the aim, a) of understanding those psychological processes that are established between people and the environments, or places, of daily life , with specific attention to the physical and technological aspects of these (environmental perceptions and attitudes, attachment and identity of place, environmental satisfaction and evaluations, pro-environmental or ecological behaviors and intentions, pro-environmental participation and commitment, etc.), b) and to collaborate with the various design and management areas of these environments, both built and 'natural'.
The Curriculum also aims to train reflective researchers capable of operating in the various fields of cultural psychology and social psychology of interaction, who are able to analyze psychosocial phenomena (such as communication, decision making, collaboration, and socialization) as an emerging product of social, discursive and material interaction between social actors and as a product located within specific communities of practices and activity systems (such as educational, medical-health organizations, companies, work groups, sports groups, families).
To this end, we aim to provide students with:
- An advanced awareness of the different theoretical paradigms present in the sector of social psychology;
- An updated knowledge of the most recent developments in research on cognitive processes (automatic and controlled) and regulationof conduct;
-an updated knowledge of the most recent developments in the field of research on communication and the social organization of complex cognitive functions within cultural and organizational contexts, which also allows interdisciplinary collaboration with fields such as the anthropology of language, sociology of organizations and conversation analysis.
- A sufficient background of knowledge and experience, oriented towards the capacity for multidisciplinary collaboration, with the various disciplinary and technical fields traditionally linked to the research interests of environmental psychology, such as, on the one hand, architecture, engineering, urban planning and on the other hand, the various bio-ecological, geographical and environmental management sciences
- A certain methodological competence, both in terms of the ability to plan investigations that are operationally consistent with the theoretical and epistemological paradigms adopted, as well as with the context in which they are carried out (laboratory investigation vs. field investigation), and attention to the aspects qualitative and quantitative.
- advanced and rigorous training in ethnomedologically inspired methodologies such as ethnographic and conversational analysis tools and techniques.
The curriculum aims to ensure innovative skills both in the field of educational experimentation and surveys on large samples and in the field of psychological research in the developmental process. As regards educational research, the objective is to carry out original research projects concerning the complex of reforms that have affected the national training system, the school reform (state exams, compulsory schooling, autonomy, IFTS), compulsory training (professional training and apprenticeship), university training of teachers, the reform of the university and that of active employment policies and with the related transversal themes (continuing training, adult education, orientation). As regards research in the field of developmental psychology, the objective is the training of experts with an advanced knowledge of research methods and techniques in developmental psychology capable of critically evaluating the most current development theories, from a lifespan perspective; and capable of planning, defining and developing different research activities in the study of biological, social and cultural factors linked to the development of children and adolescents, with particular attention to the evolution of relational and emotional skills, family and peer relationships, development of identity and risk and protective factors.
For all information, consult the following page:,-DELLO-SVILUPPO-E-DELLA-RICERCA-EDUCATIVA_nD3535_.aspx
XL cycle, A.Y. 2024-2025
Link to the 2024-2025 Call