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Training courses, advanced training and intensive courses

The Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes establishes advanced training,  higher education courses, and intensive courses (Summer and Winter School), aimed at developing specific professional skills.
Those who have at least a first level degree can attend the higher education courses, while the training courses can be attended by students who only have a high school diploma and are intended for both cultural promotion and contining professional education.
Both the Higher Education Courses and the Training Courses do not lead to the awarding of a qualification, but issue certificates of attendance.
The intensive courses (Summer-Winter School) are aimed, based on the participation requirements, both at students in possession of a degree (first or second level) and at students in possession of a secondary school diploma. They do not lead to the awarding of a qualification but issue certificates of attendance.

Summer School in Introduction to Data Analysis with R
code 30482
The intensive course, organized in its first edition in the  2018/2019 academic year as part of the Departments of Excellence Project of the Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes, provides tools for advanced data analysis in the development environment provided by R. The training path responds to the need often felt by researchers and/or professionals (in social, organizational, clinical, and developmental psychology) to have a development environment in which the contribution of other authors (worldwide) is immediately available and therefore allows you to be constantly updated on developments and trends in research. R software represents an indispensable tool both for research and for the company that intends to fully exploit market data. The course focuses on the application aspect of analysis and allows you to gain direct experience in the use of the main data analysis libraries. Particular attention is paid to the interpretation of the outputs and th presentation of the results.
For more information, see the page:

Summer School in Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling with r
code 31257
The intensive course, active from the 2018/2019 academic year, provides the tools for the analysis of Structural Equation Models. The training course responds to the need often felt by researchers and/or professionals (in social, organizational, clinical and developmental psychology) to develop new measures of psychological constructs that meet the requirements of reliability and validity according to standards shared at international, but also to test hypotheses regarding relationships between multiple latent constructs net of measurement errors. In all these cases, structural equation models represent the tool of choice. The course focuses on the application aspect of analyses through the use of the main data analysis software, the derivation of the model (path model) starting from the path diagram, the interpretation of the effects and the fit of the model. Particular attention is paid to the interpretation of the outputs and the presentation of the results to the client.
For more information, see the page:


Intensive courses activated in previous academic years

Winter School in LGBTQ+ Psychology in Developmental and Clinical Settings
code 32016
The intensive course, winner of the funding call for International Cooperation (PVS year 2021) is aimed at students with a three-year or master's degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. In the intensive course, in line with the scientific and clinical activities of the "6 come sei" consultancy service for the study and clinic of sexual orientations and gender identities, a training action is proposed aimed at disseminating the most recent studies, knowledge and research results regarding issues relating to sexual orientations and gender identities (LGBTQ+) and to the study and promotion of good practices and effective policies aimed at the inclusion of sexual and gender minorities in Brazil.
This action is in line with the sustainable development objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in particular with objectives n.5 (achieve gender equality) and n.16 (peace, justice and strong institutions).
For more information, see the page:

Teaching services
Daniela Zaccaria
Tel. 06/49917653

Site: Street of Marsi 78
III Floor room 321