Top-level heading


The Department's training offer is divided into different levels: Bachelor's Degree Courses, Master's Degree Courses, Research Doctorates, Master's Degrees, Higher Education and Training Courses. Methodological schools, training courses and professional courses are periodically offered.


Degree courses

The Bachelor’s Degree  is the first level university qualification: it can be obtained after three years of study, requires the achievement of 180 credits and gives the qualification of Doctor. There are currently 4 three-year degrees active in the faculty, all with limited access, with comparative evaluation.
See DPPSS for details.


Master's degree courses

The Master's Degree  is the second level university qualification that has replaced the specialist degree required by Ministerial Decree 509: it can be obtained by continuing after graduation with another two years of study, requires the achievement of 120 credits and gives the qualification of Doctor. There are currently 8 Master's Degrees in the LM-51 (Psychology) class active in the faculty, all with limited access, with comparative evaluation. The II level graduate can carry out tasks with supervision that involve psychological skills such as those described above, but does not yet have the qualification of psychologist.
Consult the DPPSS training offer pages for Master's Degrees and Internships for details.


Single-cycle Master's Degree courses

The Single Cycle Master's Degree (MCU) is the second level university qualification: it can be obtained after five years of study, requires the achievement of 300 credits and gives the qualification of Doctor. There are currently 2 five-year degrees active in the faculty, all with limited access, with comparative evaluation.
Consult the training offer pages for DPPSS courses and internships for details.


Master Degree, Higher Education and Training Courses, Intensive Courses (Winter/Summer school), Specialization Courses/Schools

The preparation obtained in the Degree Courses can be completed by attending Training Courses, Higher Education Courses, Intensive Courses, Masters, and Specialization Courses.
The Training and Higher Education Courses, the Intensive Courses (the Winter/Summer schools) are intended for both cultural promotion and professional updating. Attendance at training, higher education and intensive courses is compatible with simultaneous enrollment in a Bachelor’s Degree course, Master's degree, Specialization course or Research Doctorate.

Students in possession of a high school diploma can access the Training Courses. At the end of the training course, a certificate of attendance is issued and up to 10 credits can be awarded.
Students with at least a Bachelor’sdegree can access the Higher Education Courses and Intensive Courses. At the end of the Higher Education Course, a certificate of attendance is issued and up to 20 ECTS credits can be awarded.
The Master is a post-Bachelor (1st Level Master) or post-Master's Degree (2nd Level Master) study course, lasting at least one year, at the end of which a Diploma is issued and 60 ECTS are awarded.
The Specialization Course is a third level training course lasting four years. It is open to graduates in Psychology who have obtained or are in the process of obtaining the qualification qualification to practice the profession of Psychologist. It involves the acquisition of 300 CFU and issues the qualification to practice psychotherapy.
Consult the training offer pages for the CF and CAF, Intensive Courses, Masters and Specialization School of the Department for details.



The Ph.D. Title is obtained after a three-year doctoral course with a limited number of places, which can be accessed through a public competition; it prepares candidates for highly qualified study and research activities at universities or other public and private research bodies.
Consult the pages of the DPPSS doctoral training offer for details.