Title: “STem - Emotional Stories”
Financing programme/measure: “Con i Bambini social enterprise srl” programme, Fund to combat child educational poverty
Scientific director: Prof. Maria Donata Cesareni
ABSTRACT: The project, coordinated by the Family Associations Forum and conducted in 3 partner comprehensive schools, intends to trigger educational paths aimed at the participatory construction of gamified teaching tools with "soft" content (emotions and social inclusion) that stimulate "hard" skills (coding, robotics, STEM and digital). All courses, conducted in the 5-14 age group, use Digital Story-Telling as a common thread to produce fairy tales to play, both digital (app/web games) and artistic-creative (board games and Immersive Theater shows based on Coding). The department's task is to monitor the results of the research, in terms of well-being at school, children's social skills and school climate.
Title: “How to promote the autonomy and work skills of children with autism spectrum disorder: the active role of classmates with the COMPASS evidence-based counseling program”
Funding programme/measure: Italian Foundation for Autism onlus
Scientific director: Prof. Fiorenzo Laghi
ABSTRACT: This project aims to use the Collaborative Model for the Promotion of Competence and Success for Students with ASD (COMPASS; Ruble, Dalrymple and McGrew; 2012; Italian adaptation by Laghi, Baiocco, Pecci, 2016), a consultancy model based on scientific evidence aimed at promoting the skills of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and peer-mediated interventions. There are two initial phases: the first aimed at collecting current information on students which involves support teachers and parents; the second, which requires that the information collected is shared providing all participants with a common understanding of the student's personal and environmental challenges and personal and environmental supports in relation to teaching objectives. Active protagonists will also be classmates, thanks to the use of Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMI), i.e. an evidence-based methodology in which peers (classmates) are trained to play the role of facilitators ofintervention.
Title: "Animare: Anti-doping intervention to promote clean sporting behaviour"
Funding programme/measure: World Anti-Doping Agency - WADA
Scientific director: Prof. Fabio Lucidi
ABSTRACT: The project has the general objective of investigating the psychological factors that can predict "clean" sporting behavior, developing, implementing and evaluating Digital Learning Objects that focus on socio-cognitive variables and values aimed at young athletes